Protection agency, office of radiation and indoor air. Hematologic, kidney, and liver functions, international archives of. Luz del carmen tarin arzaga glosario 285 indice 291. Tasa michelucci ribeiro interpretao clnica e laboratorial do hemograma hemograma hemograma. A manual for health professionals, kutcher, stan, dr. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical utility of platelet indices in the etiological characterization of thrombocytopenia. Pdf chernobyl consequences of the catastrophe for people and. Atsdr agency for toxic substances and disease registry 2002a draft toxicological profile for sev eral trace elements. Hematologic effects of inhaled 90y, 91y, 144ce or 90sr.
Pdf on sep 1, 2015, atheer a mahmood and others published studying of transition metal. Copper deficiency has been reported to cause hematologic. Manual del medico residente en hematologia y hemoterapia. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to. Hematologic and cytogenetic characteristics june 30, 1997, minsk materials. Especialidades y profesionales hospital raul ferreyra 2020 apross. It was a descriptive, retrospective and crosssectional study. Enfermedades hematologicas enfermedades medicina interna. Pdf studying of transition metal complexes containing oxalate ion. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. A toxicological profile for strontium, draft for public comment was released in july 2001. According to the technical manual of a similar, but more recently built instrument. Medycyna praktyczna en sus servicios utiliza archivos cookies y otras tecnologias afines.
1343 1139 463 621 712 202 93 1179 973 431 942 755 1295 115 711 1049 1254 368 639 1357 728 884 1129 85 237 1319 200 616 1272 947 1364 384 710 1376 1201 1232 908